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I've been using Obsidian for a few months. It helped me concentrate all my scattered personal notes from various sources to one place. Later I created another vault for work stuff.


Obsidian is markdown. Shortly before I started with it, I started learning and using asciidoc for work. And switching between them messes with my head more than I like.

Also, it feels wrong to use markdown when taking notes about asciidoc.

Anyone in the same boat?
@obsidianMD group

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in reply to idle

Wow. I'd never heard of asciidoc before this, but I can see how the two formats would be difficult to keep straight.
in reply to Nathan Dunn

Yeah, it's much more niche, but also more complex.

I don't need the complexity for my personal notes, but it's useful for my documentation work.

obsidianMD group reshared this.

in reply to idle

I use pandoc for converting back and forth. But obsidian use quite some metadata so I struggle adopting it. Patat for presentation. Try pandoc asciidoc -> md a let me know if it works well.
in reply to dosmanak

I know about pandoc, but I'm not sure converting back and forth is what I want to do. I don't think I need it either, it's just that switching (in my mind) between two similar formats is confusing.

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